Multivitamin for men

I recently had the opportunity to test the multivitamin for men produced by Performance labs and at the same time my wife tested the Performance Labs Multivitamin for Women.

Up until now I was pretty much under the impression that all multivitamins were made fairly equal. Boy, was I about to be proved wrong with this one.

Read my full review – Review of Performance Lab NutriGenesis® Multi for Men

My Personal Experience with the Best Multivitamin

My order was delivered to my door via courier within 8 days of initially being placed.

The box was well sealed and the product, when opened was very well presented. The bottle itself had tamper proof seal on the lid and a pressure seal.

Multivitamin for men

Before I go any further, a little bit of background.

My name is John and I am a 64 year old male living in Gauteng, South Africa. Over my numerous years I have had my fair share of multivitamins and have probably tried most of the products available on the shelves at Dischem and clicks.

In general, what I have experienced that you take a multivitamin, feel a little bit better for a couple of days, and have urine that is dark yellow and stinks of the excess vitamins that you pee out.

I happened to be chatting with a mate in England who is in the health industry. I mentioned to him that I was starting to feel old and that My body was run down. He said, “Nonsense, I am going to send you something to try.” That is how I ended up testing and reviewing this amazing product that I had previously never heard of.

Before we go any further, if you do by any chance click on a link provided in the article, I will be paid a small commission. However, rest assured that it will not cost you a cent extra. The commission earned helps in maintaining the service that I provide with writing reviews and articles to assist others to make an informed decision.

The New Experience with Multivitamins

Key Points

I am not going to bore you with all the day by day details – you can read about them in my full review here.

  • Improved Energy – I can safely say that from day two I started to feel a difference. By the end of the first week I was a completely new person.
  • Sleep Better – I went from battling to sleep for 6 hours a night to a nice deep refreshing sleep of nearly 8 hours a night and waking up feeling totally refreshed.
  • More focused – It is as if my brain has decided to start working again. My brain fog has gone and I feel as sharp as I was in my 30’s or early 40’s.
  • Normal Urine – I think one of the things that I really noticed is the lack of the typical vitamin urine smell and color, This means that the vitamins were actually being absorbed in my body and not being urinated out.
  • Feel Amazing – I wake up with a smile on my face and even though circumstances are as bad as they have ever been, I just feel great!

My Wife’s Experience with Multi for Women

My wife has a medical background and is extremely wary of using just any product. At first she was against trying the Multivitamins for Women However, after noting the positive experience that I had she reluctantly began to use her multivitamins.

She too noticed and tremendous difference in her energy, but the biggest change she noticed was in her focus and mood. It is almost as if nothing can get you down!

As an added bonus, she has begun to notice an improvement in her skin and hair condition as well.

What Makes This Multivitamin Different?

When you experience such a profoundly different result to normal then you begin to search for what is different.

Performance Lab uses a patented process, called NutriGenesis, to produce the ingredients for their multivitamins. What this process does in a nutshell is to produce a nature identical ingredient that your body recognizes and easily absorbs. This is why there is a lack of the usual vitamin pee and also why you experience such great results.

This is a stark contrast to the normal ingredients found in popular over the counter multivitamins. The ingredients found in these are mostly chemical substitutes which your body finds difficult to process and absorb and hence the presence of “Vitamin Pee” when you use them.

What is the difference between the Men and Women’s Multivitamin?

Let’s face it, men and women are different. Our bodies may require similar nutrition but it is in different doses. The difference between the multivitamins for men and for women lie not in the actual ingredients but in the dosage of the ingredients.

For example, Ladies require more Iron whereas men require more Zinc, etc.

Where Can you Buy Performance Lab Multi for Men or Women.

Performance Lab products are only available online from the official website.

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