Fuck Off Fat diet pills

Fuck Off Fat


  • Eye Catching Name


  • Contains banned ingredients
  • No manufacturer details
  • Ingredients uncertain
  • No recourse if side effects experienced


While Fuck OfF Fat was popular for a short time the risk of taking a product that contains a banned ingredient as well as for which no manufacturer details are available is simply not recommended. What is worse is that there are outlets who claim that the pill is 100% legal and has no side effects. Unfortunately Yohimbine (one of the ingredients) is a banned substance and does have serious side effects.

F∗ck Off Fat

I recently had a lady call me and very shyly ask if I knew where she could perhaps find the diet pill called “Fuck Off Fat”. At that stage I had never heard of it but it is the type of name that easily sticks in your brain so after a couple of days my curiosity was roused and I started researching a little.

I found some references to the pill being distributed in the Eastern Cape. Newspaper reporters had also come to find out about the pill and when they approached the apparent seller in the area he claimed he knew nothing about the pill.

Further reports are that the pill is manufactured somewhere in KZN but this can not be verified.

It would seem as if this is one of those under gound type diet pills that are very secretively being distributed amongst a select crowd almost as if it was a totally banned narcotic. In fact the highly discreet manner in which this diet pill is being distributed indicates that it could well be totally illegal.

F∗ck Off Fat Ingredients

After some investigations I did manage to find the ingredients supposedly contained in the diet pills. Let me warn you though the ingredients are apparently not listed on the Fuck Of Fat diet pill container and are not verified. What you always need to be careful of is not the stated ingredients but rather those that have not been stated.

  • YohimbineBanned substance in South Africa
  • Caffeine
  • Guarana
  • Green tea extract
  • L-Tyrosine
  • Vitamin B3
  • Vitamin B6

Now none of the above ingredients are bad, apart from Yohimbine which is a banned substance in S.A, but it also depends on the qty of the ingredients used. What does puzzle me is that at normal dosages none of the above would really supply that much of a kick that it would get people frantically searching all over the place to try and find it.

Possibly the inclusion of Yohimbe is what really gives this pill a kick.

Additional information submitted by readers

Both my sister and a very good friend of mine were taking the F-off Fat
tablets for weight loss. Neither of them lost any significant amount of
weight right off the bat.

My sister took them around 9 months ago, but stopped taking them as they
affected her pulse and mood.

She then suddenly started losing weight at the beginning of november last
year (2012) and has not been able to gain weight since then. She’s 1.75 tall
but only weighs 43kgs at the moment. She eats like a woman possessed but
doesn’t put any weight on. She has almost no breasts or bum and is not a
happy chappy at all. She blames the pills but I have no idea if they are the
cause of her weight issue.

My friend only took half the bottle (around 20 tabs) of the f-off fat tabs
but said they made her feel terrible. She didn’t lose much (about 3kgs)
while on them. That was in Jan this year (2013). As I type this she is at
home booked off due to serious heart problems and she too is convinced it
must be due to these tabs. Again I have no idea if the tablets are to blame
here but all I know is that I will never take them as I value my health too
much. I’d much rather eat carrot sticks and celery and spend 8 hours at a
gym so get skinny.

Name Withheld


Hi there 
I wanted to give you some input on these diet tablets called Fuck Off Fat. A friend that lives in East London got me some at R290 for 50 tablets. She used them for 6 weeks and lost 14 kg. You need to take them for two weeks-one a day-and then have a two week break and so on. I only lost 2.5kg in the first 2 weeks. You definitely still need to keep to a strict diet. One definitely doesn’t feel as hungry when taking the tablet.

Side effects I experienced are heart palpitations, sleeplessness and feeling weepy.

I must say that the only other time I have ever taken tablets was the tablet called maxi-slim one-a-day and not the advanced formula but the original. They worked unbelievably. I managed to lose 14kg in about 4 months and it was a natural product that completely suppressed my appetite and gave me loads of energy. Why they took it off the market-I don’t know-guess it was because they worked!!!!!

Hope this input helped.

One thing that people have to realize is that when you take a diet pill you generally take it to lose weight, look and feel better.

If there is a danger of a major side effect such as heart attacks or stroke, or even minor long-term side effects such as hair thinning or hair loss or loss of bone density, etc, is it really worth taking?



I do not know where you can buy Fuck off Fat and I certainly do not sell it.

However, if you are looking for great products to assist you in your body sculpting I can suggest Zotrim.


16 thoughts on “Fuck Off Fat (Diet Pills)”

    1. It contains a banned substance so theoretically anyone selling it can be charged with dealing in drugs.

  1. I must say you have very interesting articles here. I was worried about these pills and so I am glad I read your information. I didn’t know that they contain illegal ingredients.

    1. Hi Mandy – sorry but I do not sell this product. I would hate to be arrested as it contains illegal banned ingredients.

      1. Hi Landi, Phen375 has been discontinued and is no longer available anywhere. PhenGold is a suitable alternative.

  2. Where can I get fuck off fats in Port Elizabeth? Plz its urgent

    1. Please read the article carefully – they are illegal tablets. We do not support the use of them at all.

      1. I did read the article…. And I really need the pills plz help me find them

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